Kahoots Teaching Resource


I have created a small quiz based on Australia and our states and territories. It is a fun and interactive quiz for primary aged children grades 2-3. Please follow the link below to start the quiz:


Name of teaching resource


Weblink (if web based)



Who should this digital teaching resource be used with? (ie year/grade)

This resource I designed use for Year 2-3

How should it be used? (e.g. individual, whole class)

It can be used in either small groups or individually depending on classroom size and technology devices  availability

Which subject or learning area would it be most appropriate to use in?


Identify the strengths of this teaching resource

·         It’s a fun and interactive way to engage students

·         Easy to assemble and create

·         Visually stimulating for students

·         Can create classroom discussions and enable opportunity between questions for further learning

·         You can edit it to either add to it or change the quiz

·         Can create other quizzes, discussions and surveys

·         Can be used from primary to senior school using the different teaching resource’s within the site

·         Showing leader board after each question may challenge students to improve or be competitive

·         Teach students to work in a team environment

Identify any weaknesses of this teaching resource

·         By showing leader board after each question may dishearten some students

·         The quiz may become to repetitive in the format it is presented if used on a regular basis

·         School my not have enough technological resources to be spread over an entire classroom for example, the may not be enough iPads, computers, etc. to be shared among all the students

Explain any ideas you may have for further use of this teaching resource

·         You can create quizzes for students to complete at home, over holidays, introduce parents to the site to help their children with additional learning and keep them up to date on what is being learnt within the classroom.

·         You can have competitions within table groups for instance throughout the week, month or term and be able to group different learning and social abilities to make it more interactive

·         For older students it will help to create great discussion topics by also using the discussion and survey options.



Adelaide (image) retrieved from: https://images.trvl-media.com/media/content/shared/images/travelguides/lm/hotels/Adelaide-CBD-6051330.jpg

Australia flag (image) retrieved from: http://topnews.in/law/files/australian-flag.png

Australia (Image) retrieved from: http://orig00.deviantart.net/98b8/f/2011/067/f/6/kids_australia_map_by_pippy92-d3b86rl.jpg

 Canberra (image) retrieved from: http://images.trvl-media.com/media/content/shared/images/travelguides/wotif/hotels/Canberra-786.jpg

Gold Coast (image) retrieved from: http://www.seoweblogistics.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/gold-coast-internet-marketing.jpg

Great Barrier Reef (image) retrieved from: http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1255388/thumbs/o-GREAT-ARRIER-REEF-BOMBED-facebook.jpg

Hobart (image) retrieved from: http://www.chrisguillebeau.com/files/2014/07/Hobart_Wharf.jpg

Kahoot it (image) retrieved from: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-B37ythrWbpo/U6GRSjROhoI/AAAAAAAAA0I/hyJT0iX-DgI/s1600/it.jpg

Melbourne (image) retrieved from: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-UtrYr3FYZ7I/USNTvU4uAcI/AAAAAAAAAq8/inkCicAP_gM/s1600/Melbourne+Australia.jpg

Perth (image) retrieved from: http://inzumi.com/images/destinations/AU_Australien_Perth_1.jpg

Sydney (image) retrieved from: http://www.kangarrifictours.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/sydney-opera-house-bridge-blue.jpg

Uluru picture (image) from: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1Y7PvWjQ1H8/UVVoRuDmK-I/AAAAAAAACrg/hiH2ufed6aE/s1600/Ayers+Rock+in+Uluru+National+Park2.jpg


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